Saturday, August 3, 2013


Okay....this is a risk for me.  I have decided to share my story of living with scoliosis after years of trying to hide from it. I am 49 years old and have had scoliosis since the age of 8.
I always felt that talking about it would "draw" more attention to it. After being in a back brace through the awkward middle school years, the last thing I wanted was to create any kind of discussion about my back

Lately my curve has taken a turn (literally) for the worst and the pain is no longer deniable.  I have been forced out of hiding to explore treatment options. My goal through this blog is to take you along with my "healing" journey so that others may learn from my experience.

~ Pam

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your story. I am 42 years old, and was diagnosed with scoliosis at age 10. I was in a treatment program from ages 10 through 17, which was painful for adolescence but good for the long-term. After that I was told to get checkups every 2 years with an orthopedic specialist. I continued with checkups until my late 20s. In my 30s I tried a chiropractor, but discontinued it after a few months; I just didn't feel comfortable with the treatment. Then I tried another chiropractor, and discontinued that! It was frustrating. Finally at age 40 I started a new plan, with a new brace, and there have been positive results. My curves have gone down, and my pain has gone down. Unfortunately, my wallet has shrunk in fear. This new plan is expensive! That's my story.


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